Universitatea de Artă și Design Cluj-Napoca
The article analyzes the creative artist’s relationship, from any field of artistic creation, with the community he belongs to and the variety of factors that interfere with the advantages and disadvantages resulting from the traditional, cultural and economic dimensions of the community. The paper successively illustrates the dependencies of this bipolar relationship, the shortcomings and risks together with the major tendencies of bad taste which, due to an unfortunate direction, with focus on ratings, gains access into the world of models worthy of consideration and of the media factors, or the lack of involvement of the institutions that play a defying role locally. The debate presents in its second half the notable example of the participation at optimal level in the cultural act, in order to get support and be promoted by the administrative institutions of the ones involved in the cultural emancipation of the community. An example in this direction is given by the model created by the artistic group The Feast of the Annunciation from Negresti-Oas, Satu-Mare, which exemplarily evolved because of the responsible implication of its members, local museum institutions, intelligent and good quality trustees and successive administrations of the town. All the above drew investments, cultural benefits and national and international fame to the group of initiators, to the community and to all the factors involved and assumed in this project which exceeded the 30-year threshold since its beginnings, becoming one of the lengthiest artistic groups from our country.
Keywords: artist, community, public, dimension, creation, trustee, emancipation