Institutul Astronomic, Cluj-Napoca
From the cycle of the constellation symbolism we will approach the „Corona-Crown” constellation. The origin of these dress accessories gets lost in the darkness of time, standing testimony of the „Prehistoric Art”. The "Corona- Crown" is the small constellation Corona Borealis, visible in early summer, its brightest stars form a semicircular arc. The "crown" is a symbol and sign of belonging to the celestial world bearer, supernatural, divine, being worn at rituals of passage; of magic; of gratitude to heroes, to victors, to geniuses and to wise; of martyrdom; of coronation of kings, being a sign of immortality, honor, victory, greatness and joy. Archaeological discoveries will complete the mythological and ritualistic picture of these hairy ornaments, represented by „Moon Goddess” from Turdaș and „Bride of Trușești”. The story behind these clothing accessories represented in the Prehistoric Art and in the stars makes that the man to be closer to sky (heaven, deity), the microcosmic Earth merging with the macrocosmic Universe.
Keywords: ethnoarchaelogy, ethno-astronomy, crown, sign, symbol